The quintessential image of the famed Extraterrestrial Highway that runs along the secret base known as Area 51.
This is a lenticular printing process. As you walk by or move, the phantom ufo appears and disappears! Both images are the same piece. The image changes creating a phantom disappearing ufo over the backdrop of Stars!
In 1975 J. Allen Hynek sent Lee Speigel to North Carolina to investigate a series of unusual UFO sightings by numerous law enforcement personnel. Speigel and several police and sheriff's officers experienced a dramatic close encounter with an unexplained aerial craft. This was eventually acknowledged as the first well-documented, multiple witness triangle-boomerang-shaped UFO incident in America. This Painting illustrates that incredible event.
In a world that has been reinvigorated after the great global warming meltdown, a new society emerges, rebuilding the atmosphere with giant processing structures. A new life form emerges as vast crystalline and gas behemoths that float through the atmosphere , touching down to exchange and redistribute gasses and minerals to balance the ecosystem.
A lone figure contemplates the enormity of his task, as he watches his last connection to home and familiarity, streaking away. The giant cold planet, bares down on his back, visually adding to the weight of his loneliness. Its that feeling we have when we ask ourselves, What have I gotten myself into?
An insect like race, evolved to a technologically advanced space faring society. Like roaches or mosquitoes of earth, they derive sustenance from the life force of the world itself.
This is also an homage to one of my favorite and influential artists that had a large impact on me growing up. Roger Dean and his Yes album covers.
The hybrid child is sometimes very alien, and sometimes almost human. She may seem normal at first glance, but on closer inspection, there is something off, just a bit odd. Maybe its the eyes, a little bigger, or the clothes, similar to what we expect to see, yet, just a little different. In this piece, her innocence hides a secret. What hides in the clouds of our consciousness, what secret do we all share? Is this just a small child? and is that just a balloon?
A celebration of our never ending spirit of exploration and adventure. With a bit of a retro nod to SiFi artists of the past when the romance of the adventure was the thing, and less the technical looking rocketry of today. Here's to putting the fanciful back into our visions of space flight of the future!
From the biblical story of Ezekiel, his encounter was particularly interesting. Many believe it was an alien mechanical device, being described as belching smoke and flames and floating off into space.